1 sept 2013

If brands were Angry birds

Those of you who know me well know that I am a complete geek when it comes to Angry Birds. I know where all the eggs are and the tricks…anything and everything. It took me getting hooked to Candy Crush to stop playing Angry Birds. So you can imagine how exited I was when I saw Yakushev Grigory idea: putting together the most famous birds and pigs in the virtual world with the most famous brands in the real world. The perfect fusion!
My personal favorite is the Starbucks one…yours? 
Los que me conocéis sabeis que he sido una autentica friki de Angry Birds. Me costó mucho dejar el mundo de los pajaros y los cerdos y solo lo conseguí cuando apareció Candy Crush…otro gran mal vicio de los mios. El diseñador grafico ruso Yakushev Grigory se le ha ocurrido una idea genial: unir a los pajaros mas famosos de la red con las marcas mas famosas del mundo…o mas bien, fusionarlos!
Mi favorito es el de Starbucks…el tuyo?

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